
Request: Pictures/Videos/Text Screen Shots

We made it through the night fairly easily.   We drained a bunch of fluid before bed then a bunch this morning just now.  She’s barely responsive to any attempt at communication though, and her ammonia levels actually went back up despite the meds trying to control that.  I still definitely plan to sign with hospice here in an hour or so.  I’m looking forward to the change of scenery and hopefully some increased comfort abilities.

A couple days ago, I worked it out for my brother-in-law, Jonny, to create a video for Lori.  He’s a no kidding full length feature film maker, and he puts together some pretty cool videos.

He set up a Google Drive as a place for everyone to share pictures or videos or maybe text screen shots if you have some special ones from Lori.

NOTE FROM JONNY: IF they can locate the original, high quality files, that would be preferable. (For example, photos uploaded to facebook are automatically compressed, so if you right-click and save a photo straight from facebook, you’re getting a lower-resolution version of the original.)

Here’s the link to his Google Drive.  Go!

If the hyperlink doesn’t work, here’s the full address:


NOTE: You do not need any user and pass to access OTHER THAN your own Google account.

Finally, if you want to see some of the stuff Jonny did on his last movie (Couch Survivor), check out this fb page after you upload your pics.  Maybe drop him a word of encouragement on his personal fb page linked below, because he’s taking on a big project for me.  It’s a cool thing to do, and it takes a lot off my plate as far as planning.

COUCH SURVIVOR:  https://www.facebook.com/couchsurvivor/?pnref=story

JONNY’s FB:  https://www.facebook.com/jonny.walls.77?fref=ts


  1. Linda and David

    February 5, 2016 at 7:57 AM

    Continued prayers for all of you on this next step. May God comfort you and give you peace during this very difficult time.

  2. Mark,
    From what I could tell, it seemed as though I would need to sign in to his Google drive. If that’s the case, can you provide the use roams PW.? I’m not familiar with GD so I may be missing something.

  3. Jennifer Smothermon

    February 5, 2016 at 8:08 AM

    Continuing in prayer for you all. The Lord is so near. May each of you experience His presence in very tangible ways.

  4. You all are heavy on our hearts. We are lifting you up to the Lord throughout the day and night , Mark, as well as Lori and your children. We are praying for peace and comfort.

  5. Patty and David Johnson

    February 5, 2016 at 8:55 AM

    We are praying for you! May you feel His love and peace and comfort surround you and your family.

  6. Continuing to pray. We don’t have any of Lori, just a bunch of the kids! Please don’t hesitate to call or text if you need help with the kids.

  7. Mark and Lori,
    It seems to unreal to being reading these posts- all too short a time ago you were next door hanging with us at Alex and Alisha’s. We send all our love and hope to you, Claire and the boys. With love, Radcliffes.

  8. Carley Rencher Chen

    February 5, 2016 at 9:33 AM

    I am so grateful you and Lori made the trip out to California. I know it meant so much to Ashley and Tim. I am keeping both of you in my prayers. Ashley may have told you I work in Hospice as a social worker. I know you have great support there with hospice of Dayton, but if there is absolutely anything I can do please don’t hesitate. I will send you some books/ info for your little ones.
    Much love and thoughts,

  9. Mark. We continue to pray fervently. As I read your blog and am reminded of what you and Lori have said and how you both have chosen to walk through this – and allow the rest of us in on it – I simply could not be more proud to call you both friends. We are greatly helped by your lives and your honesty, your vulnerability, your faith and courage. Thank you. We love you. We ache in ways words can’t express and yet we also have that uncanny peace that you both speak of so often. Its real. It lasts. It is strength for all of us and we pray increased strength to you in these days. Again, we love you! Rick and Christy

  10. I’ve been praying for you all since I first heard about what you are going through. My husband is Chris Ketterer. I went to mass this morning and offered so many prayers up for you. God is so good, so patient, so loving and I know that He loves your family dearly. Be still and sit in the light of Christ. May his peace fill you and His love enfold you. We will continue to wrap you in our prayers of love.

  11. Lori and Mark and family,
    I meant you Lori at Randell and Nate’s in Lacy, many years ago, but I remember your beautiful smile , you have the fragrance of Jesus.. You are an amazing lady and have an amazing husband, and beautiful children, what an amazing tribune to the Lord on your video.. I watched it many times and pray for you all. What an encourager Lori you are, your devotions are so uplifting. Your faith shines through your words. Please know that you are all in my prayers… Deuteronomy 33:26-27. There is no one like the God of Jeshurun, who rides on the heavens to help you and on the clouds in his majesty. The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. The Lord has his everlasting arms holding you up, Lori and Mark and your adorable kids and family.. 2Cor 13:11b May the God of Love and peace be with you. Debbie (Randell’s Mom)

  12. Cynthia Thorell-Randall

    February 5, 2016 at 1:41 PM


    Our family is praying for Lori, yourself, and family during this very difficult time. Please know you all are close in our hearts right now.
    Love, Cynthia (Petey) and Ted Randall

  13. Brett and Jessica

    February 5, 2016 at 3:40 PM

    We are in a state of continual prayer for you and Lori…

  14. Praying!! And eliciting the prayers of some serious prayer warriors. You and Lori are on my mind almost constantly.

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