
Lori was working on a few different topics for this section of the website.  She wasn’t done editing most of them, but I read this recently and decided it would be good to post it for her without it being finished.  So this is where it was when she became unable to finish:

Romans chapter 8 has quickly became one of my favorite chapters

in the whole Bible because, upon my diagnosis, I read something encouraging and challenging every time. One of the biggest reasons Romans 8 became my favorite was because it reminded me of the perspective on life I need. So, because of it’s importance, today’s post will focus on this chapter, and specifically, at Romans 8:9.

Rom 8:9  You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ.

Rom 8:9 (The Message) But if God himself has taken up resident in your life, you can hardly be thinking more of yourself than of him. Anyone, of course, who has not welcomed this invisible but clearly present God, the Spirit of Christ, won’t know what we’re talking about.

If we believe the God is who he says he is (from reading in the Bible about Him and experiencing Him in mh ), then we are in the realm of the Spirit. That’s what shifts our perspective when suffering comes.

When my chemo stopped working i came out to the car and felt _____________ (devastated, sad). The disease was progressing, and I was letting my flesh get the best of me. I turned on the car, and as I did, I heard the first bars of Chris Tomlin’s “I Will Rise” come on the radio.

Though my heart and flesh may fail

There’s an anchor for my soul

I can say “It is well”

I felt like  __________ about it, and it changed me this way __________________

I was honored to speak at a church shortly after, and because of “I Will Rise”, I was able to say to the congregation, as I say to you now, look, there are people here who can’t see the hope in this. They can’t seem to find that spiritual righteousness that comes with suffering, the joy in suffering. I understand that. We all have hard times in our lives, I have hard times in my life. I don’t always have this peaceful perspective.

But I know where to go to get it.

I think it comes from denying our flesh, even though that may be really hard. We need to claim what God says in his scriptures, and, like the song says, rise up above our flesh and what our flesh is telling us. The flesh can be so many things. It can be your anger, your binge eating, your laziness, your poor communication — all of these could be part of Satan’s toolbox for bringing you down.

Do whatever it takes to live in the realm of the Spirit. If you have to continually call out scriptures and surround yourself with prayer warriors, do it. Memorize Scripture, surround yourself with the body of Christ, and give up time, embarrassment, and anything that is in the way of community. Get over that hump. I don’t think God is going to remove that hump. He may not remove temptations, weaknesses, or obstacles. He’s going to give us the opportunity to make those choices ourselves. He’s in the business of maturing us. But that’s what’s so wonderful about it. We have the choice, and we can choose him.


  1. This is beautiful and encouraging and full of such great hope and truth. Thank you, Lori!

  2. “We all have hard times in our lives, I have hard times in my life. I don’t always have this peaceful perspective. BUT I KNOW WHERE TO GO TO GET IT.”

    Thank you, Jesus, for the peace that surpasses human comprehension! This peace is a gift from you, and we are grateful. Please continue to grant peace to Lori and Mark and hold them in Your righteous right hand. I ask this in YOUR name, Jesus, for it is by YOUR stripes we are healed. Amen.

  3. Lori, you are the most positive person I have ever seen and your faith is more than anyone knows. Our Lord will comfort you in all ways and our prayers continue for you all. God Bless and keep you. I love you!! Aunt Jne

  4. I love this so much! Thank you for sharing and reminding us just of what God’s word says and being so transparent in sharing how you are trying to apply and live it out even when you struggle you believe.. ❤️

  5. Love!! Thank you Lori.

  6. Thank You Lori. This was a wonderful gift today. ❤️

    • Lori and Mark I continue to pray!! Your messages are wonderful to read and the strength of your faith inspiration. Love to you both❤️❤️!!

  7. Mark & Lorie
    I hope i got this right this time please let me know if you got it .

  8. “Behold, I will do a new thing; now shall it spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.”
    ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43:19‬ ‭ASV‬‬

  9. Amen

  10. Michele Macdonald

    February 4, 2016 at 4:31 PM


    Thank you for showing and helping us to become better people through you and your spirit.

    You are so loved

    Michele MacDonald

  11. John & Paulette Colson

    February 5, 2016 at 6:41 AM

    Your words speak volumes. God Bless your writings and all those who have come to be part of your journey. May God give you rest and strength for the task before you. We love and care for you, more than words can express. Uncle John and Aunt Paulette

  12. Christina Bennett

    February 5, 2016 at 7:47 AM

    I thank and praise God for you. Thank you for allowing God to speak through you to edify us. I pray not only for healing and strength for you but, that He continues to use you as His vessel. You are an amazing and mighty daughter of the King!

  13. Laurie and family, our pastor, Josh Brown, shared a link to your site and asked for prayer on your behalf. I am praying … as are hundreds of other prayer warriors around the world. Consider it a bouquet of spiritual hugs. May our Father hold you close and envelope your hearts in peace and give you strength to stand.

  14. Lori,
    Thank you for showing us how to live in the spirit and keep our eyes on Jesus, you have demonstrated to us how to receive and live in through the power of our amazing God we can do anything through him and you are showing us. You are am an amazing gift to everyone who has had the blessing to have been touched by you.

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