
Pain Increasing

Right now, Lori is between treatments as she is no longer taking the Olaparib drug but has not yet begun the Xeloda chemo. Two nights ago, she had quite a bit of pain in her back while lying in bed. During the day yesterday, she felt great and was able to move around and have a completely normal day. Unfortunately, last night she was kept awake again by very bad pain in her back and legs and shoulders. She rated it a 7 out of 10. We didn’t go to the ER, but we almost did.

She can’t begin the new chemo yet because her platelet count on Monday was 13,000. Normal is between 150,000 – 400,000. When Lori is on chemo, we generally see her around 60,000 – 90,000 which is low but not dangerously so. Apparently the Olaparib really zapped her platelets because 13,000 is ridiculously low. If she began to bleed at a platelet count of 13,000, she could very easily bleed out.

For perspective, when women are in labor, generally anesthesiologists won’t give an epidural to those with platelets lower than 100,000.

For cancer, we’ve found that nurses must get oncologist approval to administer chemo if platelets are 90,000 and below, but for Lori, her oncologists always approve it all the way down to 60,000.  Anything lower, and she must wait.

So Lori is waiting, but it has been rough because she’s hurting more at night. The days seem to go just fine while she’s moving and active, but the nights are consistently bringing on the pain. She hates taking the oral pain meds (morphine and oxy) to supplement the pain pump because those drugs make her loopy and disfunctional. She has always been that way. In fact, she didn’t like the epidural with our first child for that reason. With our third child, she had low platelets (gestational thrombocytopenia). She didn’t use any anesthesia at all, and it was by far her favorite delivery of the three kids. She’s some kind of crazy, y’all.

For those who pray and love Lori too, please pray for comfort. Also pray for her platelet count as we take her hopefully today to get an update on the count. Finally, always pray for full healing. Lori has been having some really good encounters with the Lord through prayer recently, and I believe He is faithful through this time too.  We’re actually kind of excited about what’s to come.

I was just about to post this when Lori reported that she’s feeling much better.  It’s weird how she’s so strong during the days but struggles at night.  For now, we’ll be grateful for strong days.  Also, we’ve been through this exact thing numerous times now (the timeline page is a great reminder…updated with new pictures btw).  I’m confident she’ll bounce back again.


  1. Thanks for the update Mark.

  2. Yep, thanks Mark for keeping us up to date so we can continue to witness this amazing journey, pray for Lori & all the family as we experience our own spiritual growth through your & Loris courage & strength. Love you.

  3. John & Paulette Colson

    January 7, 2016 at 11:45 AM

    To be in thought and prayer with and for you is an honor. We love you all so much and praise God for the insight and courage of your love and devotion to his will. Your example and peace is a testimony to the power of prayer.

    My prayer will be for strength and freedom of pain.

    Looking forward to the days of healing ahead.

    With our love.

    Uncle John and Aunt Paulette

  4. Praying for painless sleep and beautiful rest tonight ???
    Love you

  5. A friend shared this blog with me, breast cancer newly dianosed, boob newly removed and chemo about to start. Praying for us all. Go Lori!!!!!

  6. Praying!!!

  7. SWEET LORI, PRAYING PRAYING PRAYING. You are one strong cookie and I know that God is all up in your business. Mark, thank you for the updates. I will pray for platelet counts today and a pain free night….and for FULL and MIRACULOUS healing. Always. LOVE YOU ALL.
    S Field

  8. Praying for you guys, Mark. Miss seeing you buddy.

  9. We’re praying you thru today in Uganda Lj… We LOVE YOU.
    May he rejoice over you with singing and quiet you with his love.

  10. Deborah Trautmann

    January 7, 2016 at 2:13 PM

    Prayers for healing, miracles and comfort. Prayers for platelets to go up. Prayers for Gods wonderful grace

  11. Looking forward to all that the website will be! Praying for a pain free night for Lori tonight!

  12. Thanks for the update Uncle Marky!!

  13. Prayer Lori. God bless.

  14. Thanks so much for updating so we know how to pray for her and your family. Prayer, comfort, and encouragement during this time for each of you.

  15. We pray for Lori often. Thank you for letting us know how we can pray specifically for her right now. On a sidenote, I had a low platelet count with Maddie. and couldn’t have an epidural, and did have one with Kenzie and hated it! I totally get why Lori doesn’t like that feeling. We will be praying for pain management without the loopy feeling.

  16. Thanks for letting us know how to pray more specifically! And I’m glad you mentioned the “timeline” thing . I have read it a dozen times because I LOVE seeing the “Enrolled in Hopsice,” followed by the “DISENROLLED in Hospice!!!” WHO DOES THAT!? Lori Jones! Praise God!

  17. The LORD your God is in your midst, a victorious warrior. He will exult over you with joy, He will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy (Zeph. 3:17). No words other than His and my wordless prayers for the Spirit who intercedes for us (Rom. 8:26-27).

  18. Kathy Schumacher

    January 7, 2016 at 7:44 PM

    Lifting you all up during this time. Thankful for the witness you are through this journey and this new avenue to share your lessons learned and the hope you have as you navigate. Sending our prayers.

  19. Katy Robertson (Wegenhoft)

    January 7, 2016 at 9:27 PM

    Mark, my heart has broken many, many times for you and Lori. But more than anything, your love for each other and your faith in our Lord’s goodness move me to tears. Thanks to you both for living like you do and for sharing your journey with such vulnerability. I love you guys and am praying fervently for healing, strength, and deep abiding joy for your precious family.

  20. Susannah chalkley

    January 7, 2016 at 10:03 PM

    Praying for comfort and deep rest tonight- along with healing! So amazed at the courage you both demonstrate!! Love you guys!

  21. We love you all and pray for Lori and each of you fervently and frequently. Praying for peace, comfort, and healing from our faithful and gracious God. Thank you for the update, Mark!!!

  22. Thinking of you Mark and Lori and your family. Love you guys and are praying for healing.

    Kris and Anthony

  23. Ginger Stallcup

    January 9, 2016 at 2:15 PM

    God bless you my sweet beautiful Kentucky Wildcat fan friend. I think about and pray for you DAILY!

  24. Thank you Mark now our family can be specific in our prayers. We are believing God for a full miracle. We love you all.

  25. Praying for Lori and all of you . My nephew and his wife are friends of yours and his mom (my sister ) is praying and has asked me and others to pray. I’m praying for healing, for comfort, and for strength for you and your family. God bless you all!

  26. Prayers for comfort, but ultimately, full recovery.

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