
Dr. Schneider

My dad works as a pastor and he performed the wedding ceremony for a couple in his church, the man of which works as a cancer researcher at the IU Cancer Clinic in Indianapolis. When this all kicked off, dad called him and asked his opinion on best options. He highly recommended Dr Schneider (his boss I think), and he took the initiative to call Dr S. on our behalf. The day after we found out about the cancer, we had the brain scan done. While we were awaiting the results of the scan, Dr S. personally took the time to call my phone, and he asked to speak with Lori.
She talked to him, and in five minutes on the phone, he gave her more encouragement, hope, and practical medical advice than we received our entire time at IU Arnett in Lafayette. Initially he told Lori “I’m not supposed to tell you this, but your brain scan is clear…now here’s what you should be focusing on…”. Both hospitals are IU hospitals, so he has access to her test results as if he were at Arnett himself. That will be really nice for continuity as we transition to Indy! Anyhow, it was three hours later that the Arnett doctors finally told us that the brain scan was clear (of course we already knew that) and even then they only kind of mentioned it in passing. Needless to say, we are very, very grateful to be changing hospitals. The nurses were really incredible, but the doctor/patient dynamic at Arnett is completely broken. Oh by the way, Dr S. gave us his cell number and encouraged us to contact him as we feel the need, and he is not even our doctor yet officially!

The rest of the biopsy timeline news is as I wrote before. I texted him this morning, and this is the transcript:

Mark: Dr. Schneider, we are still awaiting Lori’s biopsy results. We have been discharged from IU Arnett. Expecting results soon and still very much hoping you can squeeze us in this week. Thank you
Dr. S: They told me her ER/HER2 should be out at some point tomorrow. We should touch base
Mark: OK. Wow that just takes forever! I’m sorry that we’re so impatient. Can we set up an appt for tomorrow to coincide with the biopsy report? Call anytime of course
Dr S.: I know it feels like forever but this is relatively quick for what we need. No, let’s see when it comes out first; may not happen until late and results may not be conclusive. We can chat by phone tomorrow either way to discuss. I will call when I hear.
Mark: OK, thank you

Dr. S only takes appointments on Mondays and even then he is all booked up, he is making an exception for us and keeping in touch with us in between treatment for other patients. We get a great feeling from him every time we get in touch with him, and the man who referred us to him (the cancer research friend) speaks very highly of him…and hey, it doesn’t hurt that if you Google his name, you see that he has national acclaim! We’re excited to meet him no matter what news the biopsy may bring.

Family has been here throughout, and Lori and I feel incredibly blessed by the outpouring of love from them and from friends, some of whom we haven’t lived near for many years. We have very high spirits even through the waves of sorrow that sometimes get the better of us.
Keep praying for a favorable biopsy report.
Pray for a keen sharpness for Dr. S as he analyzes the tests
Pray for family members and friends who we hope meet Jesus because of this

Admin Note:
If you want to send flowers or gifts or something (I guess a lot of people are trying to figure out how), contact Lori on facebook. My sister is running Lori’s account for her and if you message Lori’s account, my sister can provide addresses and phone numbers as appropriate. She is also coordinating efforts from people who are offering their homes, lawn care, child care, etc. etc.

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